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Orthopedic pain can be one of the most mentally taxing/distracting conditions we have all had to deal with at one time or another. 

As an orthopedic surgeon, it is a privilege to be able to help resolve peoples’ pain so they can get back to the best version of themselves, focusing their energies outwardly on family, friends, and the community around them.

To that point, Focal Shockwave has been a game changer for me and my own personal orthopedic issues, as it has cured my Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and distal biceps tendonitis over the years!

It has also helped me understand how to help my patients with the similar ailments, and also with tennis elbow, golfers elbow, calcific tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, patellar and quad tendonitis, knee sprains, and many other conditions.

We are one of the only orthopedic practices that are offering these solutions to our patients.  Surgeons who offer treatments that help you avoid surgery… imagine that? 🙂

#shockwave #shockwavetherapy #orthopedicsurgeon #tendonitis #orthopedicsurgery
Modern Ortho - Year 1 in Paramus was amazing!! 🦴 💫🔥

#paramus #waynenj #parsippany 
#orthopedics #sports #shoulder #wrist #hand #foot #ankle #nerve #orthopedicsurgeon #sportssurgeon #shouldersurgeon #handsurgeon #footsurgeon #anklesurgeon
When you realize our orthopedic surgery practice is old enough that our staff is wearing vintage practice hoodies!! 🤣❤️💪

#hoodies #orthopedicsurgery #longevity
Live at the Sneakerball! @zone6ixfootball x @modernorthonj
“OMG, I’m getting my arm back!” 😀

The further I get into my career as an orthopedic surgeon, the more I have come to respect biology and the limitations of the 🔨& drill + time by themselves!

Giving healing a boost with extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy (EMTT) has been a great add for our patients who are looking for quicker recovery post-op!!! 🚀

For my patient here, she was 3 months post-op following golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis) debridement and repair. Despite 70% improvement in pain, some discomfort still lingered and she wanted to get better faster. 

Check out her story below! 👇
